Lúčnica is going to be a guest at the most important festival in Latin America – Festival Internacional Cervantino (also known as “El Cervantino”, which has been taking place since 1972 in Guanajuato) – thanks to more than a year-lasting preparation organized by the Slovak Embassador in Mexico, Mrs. Alena Gažúrová. The tour across many Mexican cities is going to be crowned by two performances in the beautiful palace of arts called Palacio de Bellas Artes in Mexico City, where Lúčnica returns after 44 years.
One of the highlights is also going to be a joined performance of Lúčnica with the Ballet Folklorico de Mexico.
Probably one of the biggest promotions of Slovak art abroad is the invitation to join the celebrations of the UN Day on the 24th of October in New York, where Lúčnica is to perform in the UN Grand Assembly Hall to commemorate the 72th anniversary of the UN foundation. Thus, Lúčnica is going to become the first representative of Slovak culture on the premises of UN ever since its foundation in 1945. The year 2017 is special, too, due to the fact that the current cheirperson of the UN General Assembly is the Minister of Foreign and European Affairs of the Slovak Republic, Miroslav Lajčák.
Returning from the tour, Lúčnica is going to present its skill and art to Slovak audiences on the 17th and the 18th of November in Istropolis, Bratislava, with the „Representation program“ which consists of its most successful programs and represents the most characteristic folklore regions of Slovakia. The performance displays diverse artistic expressions full of rich folk tradition in dance, music, national costumes, ranging from delicate feminine dances, jolly and witty ones to vigorous pair dances and typical virtuoso dances of men.
Lúčnica is also interested in preparing the youngest generation of dancers-beginners and that is why it organizes a program „Lúčnica and children“, specially composed for kids, in cooperation with Poštová Banka, the general sponsor. There are almost 20 folk ensembles for children in Bratislava, some of which have been founded or lead by ex-Lúčnica dancers, and so a unique idea to connect children ensembles with the artistic ensemble Lúčnica arose. Lúčnica has been motivating and inspiring children for over 20 years to take part and learn about the traditions and folklore even after they grow up.
And what about Lúčnica and its plans for 2018? Despite the approaching 70th anniversary of its foundation, Lúčnica is certainly no old lady! It is forever young and it will prove and show its dance energy in February in a one-of-a-kind program „Štefan Nosáľ 90“, which is to celebrate the 91st birthday of its leading choreographer, professor Štefan Nosáľ, who, sadly, passed away earlier this year. The performance stands out also because a unique archive material is to be presented on big screen to trace the artistic and cultural heritage of professor Nosáľ and the artistic ensemble Lúčnica since its early beginnings. The „Štefan Nosáľ 90“ program is going to present the art of 45-members of the dance ensemble, 40-members of the orchestra and 35-members of the Lúčnica chorus.